Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Calendar Changes

Paper calendars are much more useful to me than digital calendars.  I tried. I really tried.  I spent many years trying to manage my calendar in Outlook and I couldn't ever figure out how make it bring my world into perspective.  Everything always seemed limited to what the screen could tell me.  I know, I know - those of you who are dedicated digital calendar aficionados think that my simple paper calendars limit me as well. I manage my contacts digitally, I live in the cloud as much as I possibly can and still, my calendar insists that it needs to be on paper.

There is something immensely satisfying about ripping the page off my calendar and uncovering a fresh sheet with blank boxes to be filled.  Changing pages on the calendar makes me aware of how quickly time passes, yet gives me the sensation of new opportunities being made available to me.

Within no time, those blank boxes will be filled.  I will fill them so that I know what is going on and I will also fill them to remember what already occurred.  Birthdays, anniversaries, special dates are placed into position and notes end up being scratched all over the sheet to help me remember little things as the month progresses.

Time is such a gift to us.  But, it is a gift in limited supply.  My calendar helps me remember that.

At this age, memories are a gift, but I forget so many things every day.  My calendar helps me remember those as well.

How do you manage your calendar?

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