Thursday, February 08, 2007

1 Week Into It

Psalm 3:5 "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."

God's pretty cool. After hitting the one week mark, I would have to say that there is only one problem with working at the church, and that's just waking up in the morning. Hmmm ... I take that back. I can certainly wake up in the morning, I just tend to do it at 5:00 when I don't need to be up until 7:00. It might help if I went to bed earlier than midnight, but I'm not there yet!

I'm definitely not getting enough sleep to be running the schedule that I have right now. However, yesterday, i told God that He was going to have to take care of me because He knew what was going on in my life and I needed to feel rested even though I wasn't sleeping well, yet.

I decided on Tuesday that I was going to add to my devotional life the book of Psalms. I generally have about 10-15 minutes of quiet time available to me when I get here. So, today I read Psalm 3 and there was that verse screaming out to me. God will sustain me. What a fabulous promise!

The last few days have been good ... I've been running a lot. I have so many rehearsals that happen for different things. Monday evening I teach the Revelation study, Tuesday evening I accompany "Canticum Novum" a community choral group directed by a friend of mine, Wednesday evening I work with Jen (the worship director here at FW) and two youth choirs, tonight I will be at our Praise Band rehearsal and then to Church Council meeting. I figure that by Friday night, I'll simply be sleeping!

Someone told me this morning that they were glad I was here. My reality? I am too! How often do you get to walk into a job where you know everyone and already have friends as coworkers? God is an amazing God and gives amazing gifts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have NO idea how happy your friends are for you, too!!

We love you, dearie!