Friday, August 03, 2007

Late night thoughts

It's nearly 2:30 am and I'm up. I hate these nights, but seem to have them regularly. I fell asleep tonight about 10:30 for 3 hours and woke up. I was hot. Last night the fan that keeps air moving around me was making too much noise and I turned it off. I thought I had turned it back on this evening and it was very quiet! Ummm ... no. It was off. I pressed the wrong stupid button. So as I tried to relax and go back to sleep, the rattling in the fan began again and I wasn't cooling down fast enough and I think I had too much caffeine before I went to sleep.

Then, my brain began processing on things from the day, I tried to get them handled and voila! I'm wide awake. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow morning for several projects and that stresses me out. Pretty soon I'll let the dog outside for a middle of the night run. That will give me a little peace later on when I'm back to sleep in the early hours of the morning. Then when she is settle again tonight, I'll flip lights on, pull out my Bible and read through one of the minor prophets.

The other night I read through the book of Joel ... twice. I love these books. There's so much fascinating information in them. God has cool things to say to His people! The book of Joel has a large passage that focuses on the "Day of the Lord". On that day ... great and wonderful things will happen. I can't wait. No, I'm not going to tell you about it here - go read it!

An article from Christianity Today caught my eye today "We Revere the Bible More than We Read It". I fully admit to reading books about the Bible rather than actually just reading it. I know that I have read every word in the Bible throughout my life, but I don't have a consistency with regards to the attention that I give to it. I tend to study it for classes that I'm taking, studies that I'm writing, etc. but to read it devotionally puts me at the point of justifying a lack of time.

What's my problem? I have no idea. I do know that the Word of God is exactly that. The Bible is a collection of the Words of God that He has chosen to make known to all of mankind. It's amazing in that it's a unifying source among Christians all over the world, from all walks of life. We all read exactly the same book. We may interpret it differently, but the words are the same. These are the words that God chose to use to make Himself known to us. This is our exposure to the very heart of God.

When the Creator of the Universe says something, it occurs to me I should pay attention. The incredible thing about this book is that no matter how many times we read it, our lives interact with those Words differently each time. That tells me that this Book is a living thing. How could it not be. These Words come from the breath of God. He is still creating today.

Well, it's time to let the girl out - she just woke up and is stretching. I think she figured out that I was no longer there. When we come back in, I think I'll take some time to see what God would like to create in me tonight!

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