Sunday, October 10, 2010

Birthday cake from Edward Cullen!

Sometimes it is good to hang with people that know and love you.  This picture of my belated birthday cake tells it all!

First of all, I'm accepted even though I have an unnatural affection for a fictional vampire that is played by a young man who could be my son (by age).  Secondly, while my birth year is 1959, I have explained in no uncertain terms that after my 50th birthday, I was going to move backwards through the years.  That is obviously understood and accepted. 

Trust me, if I could eliminate all health problems, have years ahead of me to learn all there is to learn, I might bare my neck to a good looking vampire. 

But since that really isn't an option, I'll move forward with my life as I know it and be really grateful for friends that treat me like family, get me and do weird things like offer me a Twilight / Edward cake for my birthday! 


Anonymous said...

I love this, and would like one of my own. Man but he is gorgeous. LOL

Fran said...

So sorry to miss your party! Sounds like you had a wonderful time and you deserved it! Miss 49 year old!
Love ya!