Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nap and a Limeade

You know, it really is the little things in life that make it easier to get through the day. I took a nap when I got home from work, went to Canticum Novum rehearsal and picked up a strawberry limeade from Sonic on the way home from rehearsal. These two things just made me smile this evening! I blame Julie (at work) for turning me onto these limeades. Hello! They're wonderful. We really don't have a Sonic close to us, but I made it work tonight.

We brought the little electric heater home from my office tonight. The house has been having a difficult time keeping up with this REALLY cold weather the last couple of days and I was tired of being frozen while hanging out in the evenings. I don't need or want a lot of heat through the night - we aren't around during the day, but those few hours that Max and I are home in the evening, I prefer warm to frozen!

I love the place that I live in, but yikes! there is no insulation in this place, the windows are drafty and it's just cold! Max and I have commented in the past that we aren't terribly worried about carbon dioxide poisoning - there's much too much air movement. It's all good, though.

Back to small things that make me happy. Do you know about www.shockwave.com? Great games. There is a jigsaw puzzle that refreshes daily. It's pretty cool and the rest of the games are fun, too!

Cat snugglies. Ever since Howard (the cat) died last fall, Ichabod (the mean cat) has been quite generous with his affection. Right now he is sitting in front of me with his paws on my chest, snuggling his face into my neck and purring like crazy. He doesn't much like it when I move too far, so I'm going to be stuck typing for a few minutes. I don't like it when he growls at me. (I just ticked him off and he managed to try to bite my hair - stupid cat. Thank goodness it was my hair and not my face!)

Blankets. I'm addicted to blankets. One of my favorite stores is the woolen mill in the Amanas (near Iowa City). I always end up buying blankets when I'm there. I have piles of blankets - quilts, afghans, lap blankets, on and on - all over the place. There is no such thing as too many blankets. Ok, I'm afraid that someday there will be too many, but right now ... I still have fun with them. My friend, Fran kept giving Max blankets for Christmas and I managed to abscond with them. Whoops! She was smart and finally gave me a cool Mexican blanket this year. Do I have to beg? (hehe)

Text messaging. I'm really bad at this - I haven't figured out how to do with any speed. But, I love it! I can get a message to Max and not bother him while he's working. He can choose to contact me when he is free.

Well, those are the random thoughts going through my brain tonight. It's time to upset the cat in my arms and head to bed. Tomorrow morning will be here whether I'm ready or not!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are fast approaching a TWO week break from blogging! No wonder I have been 'off' lately, my morning routine has been disrupted :-) Just kidding, but I do enjoy reading your musings and thoughts on life.