Well, that supposed to be the title of the last post, but I never got around to it! I started talking about spending time with Max in the car and got lost in the thought process ... so, I changed the title and realized that I still wanted to say something about complaining.
You see, I have no reason to complain ... about anything! Oh, I certainly could justify complaints, but that would be worthless. I have a terrific life. I'm sitting here at my desk with my arms wrapped around a cat while I type. He is purring away and nuzzling my nose. Since my nose is a little cold, burying it in warm cat fur is wonderful! Leica is curled up under blankets on my sofa and I'm thinking about my friends as I type this. Each of you! Ok, at least the ones of you that I know are reading this blog.
I'm a fortunate, fortunate person.
Max and I are beginning a purging process in the house. We have GOT to begin eliminating garbage, stuff and junk from our lives. As I sit here and think about the 'things' in this house that are important to me, I realize that there is nothing except the warm-blooded lives here that I couldn't easily give up. So, why am I holding on to all of this crap? I honestly have no idea.
Does anyone want a really nice collection of Department 56 Dickens Village? No, really - do you want it? Max needs to pack up his entire camera collection and send it off to a friend, I have books that need to be purged - some I will keep, many I will get rid of. There isn't anything in the house that is worth anything. It's pretty much just crap. But, at some point in my life, I had decided that it was important for me to have collections of crap and so ... here they are!
I seem to have collected all of the memory stuff of our family - old scrapbooks, etc. Oh my goodness. My dream for these is to get everything scanned and identified. Then, I will build a website that is interactive so our family can have access to the fun pictures and all of the stuff. But, it seems that every time I get working really hard on this stuff, my computer crashes and I have to start over. Oh, and then there's the whole thing with my dad dying and it's difficult for me to identify some of the things from mom's side. Yup, I have piles of this stuff around the house.
Then, there is music from a lifetime of ... well ... music. All of my classical piano books from my days of actually practicing the piano. I haven't looked at those in years, much less played from them. But, it kills me to get rid of them. I spent a lot of hours turning those pages as I practiced and practiced and practiced. I have shelves of choral music that I collected while directing choirs. Will I ever use it? Not likely ... Oh, and the shelves of wedding music and Christmas music and oh my GOODNESS! Make it stop!
I'm not much for garage sales - so, I'll have to start making some decisions about what to keep and what to toss, what to give away and what to sell Ebay, what goes to Goodwill and what goes into storage.
Too many decisions ... I need a wife!
But, as I look around while sitting here at my desk ... I'm awfully fortunate. I still have my nammynools and my husband, I have my family and my friends. I have a great job (so does Max) and a church that brings me fulfillment. I have the desire to spend time with God and read His Word.
Who am I to Complain about anything?
(giggling)...maybe your sis and I need to come in and help you purge? You KNOW how we love to help! :-)
Stay away from me! (hehe)
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