Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Relationship or Rules

Well, I made it through "The Shack" by William P. Young again. It pretty much affected me the same way that it did the first time: wiped me out. This time I was reading it with pencil and highlighter in hand. I'm hoping to write a study around this book. At one point in the book, the main character, Mack, admits that his brain is having a hard time comprehending the complexity and simplicity of the relationship that God has with the world and says that as he tries to process on it, his brain turns to mush. Well ... yup ... mush.

As Paul tries to explain to his readers, the Law points out our sin. Oh ... this is going to take some thinking and processing as I try to translate it into words, images and thoughts that I can teach. Religion is about enforcing rules ... God is about building a relationship.

A few other thoughts that Young puts into words better than I could ...

God first? No, that's not what He wants. He doesn't want to be first among a list of values. God wants to be at the center of everything. He doesn't want just a piece of us and a piece of our lives. Even the biggest piece. God wants all of us and all of every part of us and our day. (pg. 207 - my paraphrase)

"Emotions are responses to perception - what you think is true about a given situation. If your perception is false, then your emotional response to it will be false too. ... Just because you believe something firmly doesn't make it true." (pg. 197)

One of the criticisms of this book comes from Christians who think that Young embraces the paradigm that all roads (all religions) lead to God. These obviously have come from people who didn't actually read the book. It's all about relationship. Jesus tells Mack, "Most roads don't lead anywhere. ... I will travel any road to find you." (pg. 182)

I am in love with a God that has crossed every barrier to draw me to Himself. Wherever I am, He will look for me. He became human so that I could relate to Him. The only barriers to a full and complete relationship are those that I build myself and God is even willing to help me in tearing those down.

Unforgiveness - a pit that I create. God teaches me what true forgiveness is and is patient as I wade through my fury.

Life is all about the relationship that God wanted to have with His creation from the very beginning of time. Our independence creates separation from that daily co-existence with Him.

I am so thankful for the chance to be in relationship with the Creator ... with God.

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