Friday, May 09, 2008

Twitter is killing me ...

Ok ... you have to know that it's late. I'm tired and my brain isn't fully engaged. So ... as I was in the middle of writing this blog, I wanted to click to a different tab in my browser - and instead, I clicked 'publish post.' Whoops! I wasn't anywhere near ready to publish the stupid thing.

It was inane and silly - more of the same kind of garbage I always whine and chat about. I figured I would be completely safe because most of my friends and family are already in bed. But, no ... someone commented before I could get the silly thing deleted. Whoops!

So, now I'm editing and writing as quickly as possible.

The last few weeks have been really busy and really intense for my poor brain. I'm trying desperately to figure out how we are going to 'brand' the church. What is it that we want to communicate to the world, to the community, to the congregation at both campuses. So, I've been asking the question: "What do you love about Faith-Westwood?"

You see, this is weird for me. I've been a Christian for such a long time (not telling - but, the year was 1974. Are you kidding me?) and I've been an active participant in the church for longer than that. My life has always revolved around the local church. Now I'm in charge of finding ways to encourage people that have never participated in the life of the church to check it out, enjoy it, stay and become involved.

I was jolted out of my little box about 10 years ago. I had just been to a florist picking up palm branches for the Palm Sunday celebration. They were in the trunk of my car and I stopped at the grocery store. A young man was helping me with my groceries. When I opened the trunk and began adjusting things for space, he looked at the palm branches and asked what they were. It stopped me in my tracks. I said, "Palm branches." He still looked confused. I kept going, hoping that he would make a connection quickly. I continued to explain that they were for a celebration at church. He still had a blank look on his face. So, I explained about Jesus Christ entering Jerusalem the week before Easter and the crucifixion. He didn't know what Easter was!

That experience is always in the back of my mind when I think about trying to tell the world and the community about my church. There are obviously too many people out there that have absolutely no concept of what we are talking about when we talk about Jesus Christ. We are in the middle of the Information Age and have more opportunities than ever before to tell the world about the one thing that will offer them eternity and yet we have young people growing up having never heard about Jesus.

What am I going to do about it? Right now, I'm praying a lot and trying to think through this. I'm reading books and I'm reading scripture. I'm asking questions and I'm trying to keep my mind clear. We'll see what happens. Got any ideas?

And the title of this post? Well, that was the original part that I wanted to 'kill.' I love twitter. It's such a great way for me to blather my thoughts and insane ramblings.

Tonight I'm boiling noodles - lots of them - for Chicken and Noodle casserole for a couple of potluck luncheons tomorrow. I need to sleep soon though. Good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NICE Blog :)