Monday, June 04, 2007

He's My Boy!

Matthew is doing great! There's a possibility that he will go home tomorrow. Can you imagine? 72 hours after having open heart surgery and he's going home. They have taken out all of the tubes and he no longer is receiving narcotics - just heavy duty ibuprofen. That just blows my mind. Medicine has changed so much in such a relatively short period of time. I've been so impressed with Children's Hospital since the beginning of this experience. Wow, if you have to deal with a sick child - that's the place to do it. Oh ... and the funniest thing? They asked if pictures could be taken during surgery. Of course! If they provided a disposable camera, the team would be glad to take pictures. Some are pretty gruesome, but it's so darned cool to see what was happening in there. Good pictures of the new valve, excellent pictures of all of the equipment in the room - weird pictures of Matthew's chest being open. How cool is that? Janet wasn't thrilled with seeing her boy opened up like that, but I thought it was pretty cool. And I hate blood. No, I don't watch those surgery shows on TLC. Yikes!

I won't post any of the gruesome shots, but here are a couple of pics of my boy from the weekend.

The first thing we saw in ICU. Ack! My boy!

Saturday morning - he was doing so much better!

So, there it is - almost over ... all of those prayers definitely supported this family while they dealt with more stress.

I hope he goes home tomorrow ... much as I have enjoyed spending time with him - I'd rather make the drive to Firth ... or even just call him on the phone!


Jacqniel said...

Wow! Between God's grace, modern medicine and a young, relatively, healthy body, he is going to do great. It is amazing how quickly the body can bounce back from something so invasive. Prayers for continued healing!
Love you! Jacque

~*~Snappz~*~ said...

Hope things are going well! Wishing you all the best on the road to recovery! :o)