Monday, December 10, 2007

Doublemint Dog Breath

No, not mine ... the dog's!

Max picked me up at 4:00 and we ran a couple of errands, stopping at the grocery store. I got home, put things away, started supper and came into the living room. I looked at Leica and there she was, gnawing on a large pack of Doublemint gum. She'd only gnawed the top of it, but for the first time ever, she had minty-fresh breath. Stupid dog.

Well, it's been another interesting computer weekend in the Muir household. Good heavens, but things tend to fall apart around here on a regular basis. Remember how I told you that I woke up to a bad video card on Friday morning?

Max replaced it Friday night and we thought we might be good to go. Ummm ... nope. Same problem. I made it through Saturday and by Sunday afternoon, I was a bit concerned. Things were bad. We just figured we would end up buying a new motherboard for the computer - it was probably the slot for the video card. Ok, that's not terrible, we can do it.

Max came back downstairs after checking products online with some bad news. I can no longer replace this motherboard without replacing the processor as well. Argh! I don't have that kind of money.

Now, the good news is that Max has a brand new MacBook Pro laptop. He offered to rebuild his computer for me. After many machinations and much insanity, it began to happen. He used Windows backup - hoping to restore all of my files. By 1:00 in the morning, the computer was up and running and we were asleep. But, alas, the restoration from the backup didn't work as smoothly as we wanted it to work. He's going to have to call Microsoft tech support and get this thing going. I know the data is sitting there - it's a 48.5 gigabyte file. Ah well ...

I have email and internet working. That means that I can do almost everything I need to do.

You know ... for the computer / internet addict that I am, I seem to have a lot of problems with my computers. Am I beating them to death? Hmmmmm ...

Oh! And for all of you out there that have been laughing at me for the last several years about my internal heating processes? I'm afraid that the furnace is winding down. I'm frozen! I have had the hardest time getting warm the last few days. Unless, of course, the heat has been running for several hours and I'm also running steam from the stovetop. Socks on the feet (or lambs wool lined slippers) pants, robe and a blanket as well.

I'm tearing apart the Lord's Prayer today. This is really cool! I love associating multiple scriptures with the things we seem to know so well. I'll let you know what happens when I'm finished.

1 comment:

Coire Bhreacain said...

Goodness, look what I find when I start looking for you. No wonder you're not...anywhere else. ;-) I've got you on RSS Feed now, so hopefully won't miss a thing.

Mark April 2009 on your calendar. You have a wedding to attend in Northwest Iowa.

Max at OPS is a wonderful thing. I want to know more.