Monday, January 28, 2008

Taken to Task

Well, Julie got me in my last blog. Tomorrow marks 2 weeks since the last time I blogged. Whoops! I told her I didn't have much to say. She commented that I probably had a lot to say, but didn't dare say it all publicly. I suppose she might be right. Yes, I remember my mother telling me that if I didn't have something good to say about someone, I shouldn't say anything at all. I also remember my mother telling me that I should never put something down on paper that I didn't want my father to read. Let me tell you, that certainly kept my diaries boring! I know that dad never would have even thought about reading my diary. Mom would have, though! And that would have gotten me in all sorts of trouble.

Honestly, though, I told mom a lot of what was going on in my life. There wasn't much she didn't know. She didn't approve of everything I did, but she didn't really give me a lot of judgment. She gave me a lot of guidance.

So ... back to why I haven't been blogging. Well, I moved from being an active participant in my evenings to a passive person. I've been watching LOST with Max so that we could get caught up before the season premiere this week. It's difficult to blog while watching that. I also watched Stargate: Atlantis. And, I discovered BONES (Fox). So ... my brain went into a vegetative state and I didn't do much constructive with it.

I've found a couple of blogs that are intriguing, read some good fiction, and I go to bed at night thinking about a world set far into the future and the characters, tensions and lives that I could create (I like dreaming up fiction). I've done a little knitting, and we signed up for Netflix ... movies are also coming in. Wow. This stuff isn't terribly conducive to good blogging!

Ok ... so, oops, I just discovered that they uploaded a brand new episode of BONES. Off I go!


Anonymous said...

So glad you are back!

Anonymous said...

Me, too! Missed you.

Diane Muir said...

Ok, look what you made me do!