Sunday, March 09, 2008

The clock in the kitchen

Yup ... it's now reading the correct time. Most of the rest of the clocks in this house are adjusted automatically. There is a Spongebob Clock on my desk that I have to adjust every six months, but I hate having to fix that kitchen clock. So, I just look at the minute hand and make assumptions as to the hour. Except for the next six months (or however long Daylight Savings is this year). For this period of time it is now correct. Sad and Pathetic. Sure, if you think so. Me, it's just part of that life that I simply accept for what it is. And it entertains me a little bit.

This has been a long, nasty weekend. Max has come off a week of upper respiratory hell and though he feels better, he was diagnosed with bronchitis (he calls it the trumpeter's swan cough) on Thursday. They gave him drugs. By Thursday night, I was starting to cough a little bit and by Friday night I wanted to curl up into the fetal position. I spent most of Saturday whining and / or sleeping (Max discovered that I can do both at the same time).

Last night I had a scary episode in which I hauled myself up off the couch (we're both making too much noise to get any sleep together) in a complete and total panic. I was having a coughing spasm and there was no space for me to retrieve oxygen. All I could think was "how do I tell Max I'm dying?" Ok, I might be a little overdramatic, but it was frightening. I forced myself to calm down and take small amounts of air in until I could calm the spasm and get enough air to breathe normally.

The weird thing was that we had watched an episode of "New Amsterdam" earlier in the evening where the victim suffocated with a plastic bag over their head. I had just told Max that dying by suffocation was one of my irrational fears. Oh well ... I lived through this - it's just a coughing spasm. I have had them before and I will have them in the future.

At some point this afternoon, I'm pretty sure I crossed the barrier. I no longer feel like a zombie, but am beginning to feel a little more human. I'm still coughing. The stupid body doesn't know that I'm all better, but at least the fever isn't pressing on me and the coughing isn't triggering every few minutes.

Last Wednesday I was talking to the kids at Soul Seekers. I asked if they could tell me their favorite hymn. Ummm ... nope. Ok, I'm fine with that - most of them really haven't spent much time in a traditional service. What about their favorite scripture passage. Again - no. In fact, several of them responded to one person's "John 3:16" with "What's that?" No, they don't have any concept of scripture being a part of their lives. They hear it and it is all around them, but they aren't making it a part of their personal lives.

If you were to ask me the same question, I might not be able to answer immediately, but mostly because it would require me to limit myself to only one. Ok, I might also have to look it up really quickly so that I could identify exactly where the passage is found ... but, I do have many.

Then, I asked them to be honest and tell me whether or not they had even opened their Bible in the last month. Only one or two could honestly say they had read anything out of their Bible in that period of time.

Does that freak you out? Oh, it does me. But, I guess the question is there for us all. Have you even bothered to read the words that God gave us in the last month? I pray that we all can say "of course!" Because this is the only way to know who God is.

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