Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Back ... at least for June!

You know ... my mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all. 

She also used to tell me to never write anything down that I wouldn't want my father to read.

That has obviously translated into me not writing here for awhile.  I might be in a bit of a funk while waiting for school to get started.  There's so much I want to do and I feel like I'm stalled in life just waiting.

No ... I'm not complaining and not looking for sympathy, just explaining where I think I've been.

So to get me back on task, I'm going to once again commit to a month's worth of blogging here.  Every day - come hell or high water - I will write in this blog.  If you love me you won't tell me when I'm boring.  Wait, maybe if you love me you SHOULD tell me when I'm boring.  Kick me a little in the butt and get me off said butt and moving!

The thing is, I always have plenty to say about things, but lately it seems as if I'm observing life and coming off quite cynically.  Which is why I haven't been writing.  I'm not a great writer of irony and satire, so my cynical stuff doesn't come off sounding funny, it just comes off sounding annoyed and angry.  I despise sounding like that, so when I start writing and realize what's coming out of my fingers, I erase it all and make it go away.

If you spend much time with me in person, you'll find that I don't mind saying these things out loud, because I know that words can be ephemeral and before too long other things have taken over my cynical comments and we can all move on.

That's one of the problems with writing negative blogs.  Unless you deliberately go back and delete them, they kind of hang out and subvert any attempt to encourage others, make people believe you really are a happy person or leave a positive impression on the world.  I don't like to read them ... so I try really hard not to write them.

I have a pretty good life.  I haven't done everything that I want to do yet, but isn't that awesome?  There is no reason that I can't go after new adventures, new learning, explore new ideas, meet new people, do wild new things.  

Now ... if I could just get this whole 'learning adventure' started!!! Pant, pant, pant ... hurry, hurry!!!

1 comment:

Beccah said...

Girl I am always excited to hear any thing from that brain of yours I love how your mind thinks... so I am happy your going to blog again!! You are much better than me at filtering what you should and shouldn't write and I appreciate that about you...Excited for this moment of even possibly mundane before school starts because I like walking with you in the valley... on the mountain.. or just on the regular old dirt paths! xoxoxo