Saturday, February 21, 2009

I don't ALWAYS talk about Wil Wheaton

But, because I read his blog and his books and follow him on Twitter ... I seem to quote him a lot to friends that hang out with me. In fact, I find that if I'm thinking of something funny I just read, I have to concentrate so that I don't mention him one more time. I'm sure that some of you think I'm obsessed. Sorry 'bout that.

Max just puts up with me and actually has learned to chuckle enough so that I get through the story quickly and move on to something else. You see, there are several things that I love about Wil. But, mainly, he makes himself available to the world. He's been in movies (Stand by Me), my favorite television show ever (Star Trek:TNG) and now he hangs out and plays with technology geeks.

I discovered his blog well into him becoming popular there and was startled by the world of 'hate' that surrounded his character on STTNG (Wesley Crusher) and tended to move from there to him personally. Really? The thing about it was what did it say about me that I kind of liked the character and was sad when he left the show. Oh well ... I've been known to be tolerant of things that others weren't, it wasn't a big deal.

Then I started reading about his love/hate affair with Hollywood. Hmmm ... this guy is just plain normal. Well, not really. But, close enough. I started reading about his adoration for his stepsons and love for his wife. Wil Wheaton married a normal woman? Good for him.

I discovered he was a writer - a good writer. He writes about his life as a kid growing up with video games and Star Wars and comic books and Dungeons & Dragons and all of the things that I loved - though I am a bit older. He writes about his life now and the experiences he faces every day.

I've been waiting for these books to come out electronically. He finally put one of them out in audio format. And his latest venture just came out in PDF format. "Sunken Treasure." You can buy it for 5 bucks - straight from him. Then, download it to your computer! And, if you have a Kindle - you can format it yourself by using MobiPocket Creator or email it through Amazon.

Look, buy the book. You'll love the stories he tells about his life. He's way more than just a Hollywood actor. And ... if, after reading it, you still think I'm crazy when I quote his oneliners or talk about something funny he brought to my attention ... fine.

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