Wednesday, February 04, 2009

It's All Greek to Me

Well, I did it.

I just enrolled in an online Beginner's Greek course.

To be honest, I'm actually terrified! This is the beginning of a dream that I've had for many years and the idea of failure scares the heck outta me. It's one thing to be a scholar in one's own mind, but to do something about it kind of makes it real.

Most of you will not believe that this is me. Who knew I was such a scaredy-cat about learning? It's one thing to take a $20 Beth Moore Bible study with folks that love me and a completely different thing to be in a course that costs a bit more than that with a professor who has no idea who I am.

It's also a bit frightening to come face to face with information with which I have very little experience. Sure, I can read the Strong's Greek words in association with my Bible, but it's time for me to be able to independently read Greek and flex my brain.

This also means that it is time for me to build structure back into my life. I thought I would be able to produce without it, but ... lesson learned. If I am ever going to accomplish my dreams, the time to start is now.

I sat here and prayed about this commitment before clicking the 'yes' button. I'm so scared, I actually got a little emotional. Then, I heard God telling me that if it was easy, I wouldn't need Him and this is what He wants for me.

Ok. I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I need to get through this first online course so that I have the confidence to move into online distance learning for a Master's Degree. More and more seminaries are finally getting the idea that they will reach more students if older folks (like me ... yes, I'm admitting that I'm older) can do it online rather than move on to campus.



Unknown said...

Good Job! Reach for it!

cody said...

I'm EXCITED!!! You'll have to pass along the highlights, and I'll give you the highlights from my Gospel of John class that starts next week. Although, I'm guessing it will be easier for you to understand my will truly be all greek to me. :)

See you tomorrow night! and THANKS again for the blessing Monday night.

Fran said...

I will never be able to express how proud of you I am for taking this new (and frightening) step towards your goal. I love so much that you are doing this and hope that you will encourage others to reach for their dream as well.

Girlfriend, you ROCK!!!!

Love ya!

Cayla said...

woo!! way to go!
do not be afraid to fail--you will be fine, you will not fail.

truth: i sucked at greek.
truth: you are much more brilliant than me.
therefore: you won't suck at greek! so there!

go you!! have fun with all of it....especially parsing, the different declensions, the aorist...crazy!

(**want to know something fun--have you seen the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"? just learning the basics of greek, you'll realize that all of the greek they use is accurate! at least, by way of koine greek....spoken greek's a bit different, but still, the verbs translate.)

nebelle said...

Bad Janet - I have been too busy getting back into Wow before my classes start(hopefully). I was scanning some 50 blogs that I had forgotten to read when I got to this one. I read it as "Diane is taking Geek classes". You were really confusing me there, Diane! I think Greek is great! The rest of the blog makes so much more sense now.