Thursday, September 06, 2007

Got nothing done today

Ok ... good heavens, but this day was nuts. I don't think I was ever alone in my office. It was full of people today. Now, generally that is a wonderful thing, but today - all it meant was that I didn't get anything productive done. Ack! I'm going to have to work late tomorrow to make sure everything is ready to go for the weekend!

But, it's all good - and I shouldn't complain.

The new youth director was in this afternoon. He's going to be a riot. Why, you might ask? Well, he's a good guy, but we've just added yet another opinionated Christian to the staff. And, he has a bit of seminary education to back himself up. He's a Calvinist - a good ole' Presbyterian. If you want some entertainment - look up (on Google) the arguments between Arminians and Calvinists. This discussion (argument) has been going on for centuries. I'm looking forward to the insanity. It's going to make me do some studying - and that's a very good thing.

Cody (my office mate - and the Tech Director at church) has a fairly 'Reformed' background and loves (no, I'm not kidding - he loves this!) to debate theology and philosophy. It gets him all charged up. This isn't arguing - it's debate and discussion. I think I'm going to enjoy the noise. When it all comes down to it - the debate is nonsensical. The only important thing is telling people about Jesus Christ and encouraging a life dedicated to discipleship. But, we all know this. The debate and discussion only stretches the mind and forces good thought.

We pulled a quick lunch today - headed to Brueggers for sandwiches and then a rush trip to Parables. Israel Houghton's new CD - "A Deeper Level" came out this week and Jennie and I were insane to get it. I just love his stuff - I love it! But, the fun thing is that Jennie was in Houston at a worship conference last spring - where they recorded this CD! How cool is that? (it's way cool).

So ... it's 10:45 pm and I'm tanked. My bed is calling me, I'm yawning and my eyes are bleary. See you later!

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