Friday, September 21, 2007

Trying Windows Live Writer

Max told me this evening about a new blog editor.  So, I'm trying it and so far?  Totally easy.  I downloaded it, sent it to my blog location and I'm writing already!  Let's check a few things out.  Because I'm a weirdo, you have to put up with my psychosis.

Max and I have been laughing over Chris Crocker.  Have you seen this guy?

But, if you have seen that - you have to also enjoy Seth Green's parody of the thing.  By the way, if you haven't clicked yet ... it's not necessarily all 'clean' language.

Well, while you are enjoying those crazy videos, I'm actually pretty impressed!  It was a cinch to add them and to resize the video space on my blog.  Alright ... that was easy, now what else can I do!


Map image

Well, that was fun - I can insert a map!  And what I chose was the one thing that Max will never get me to do - traveling the Chunnel from England to France.  I will take the ferry, thank you very much!

Ok, and I can move entire paragraphs up and down or re-size each paragraph separately by using the handles. 

This isn't a terribly interesting blog to you - but I certainly had a good time learning about a new program.  We'll see what happens next!

1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

Very interesting! You'll have to share that with me!