Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Negative Writing

One of the things I've absolutely refused to do on my blog is write with a lot of negative emotion. For the most part, I know that negative emotions fade with time and consequently, if I've written something down that is relatively permanent, I'm stuck with being reminded of those emotions over and over.

The only problem with that is as I read back through my blog entries, I discovered that all of the 'stuff' that has been in my head has not been made public at all. So, when I make life-changing decisions, I tend to startle all of the people around me and it seems as if I am making decisions with very short notice.

This is one of the hazards of being in my brain. I do tend to babble on and on about my life. There is very little in my life that is private. I will tell my friends and associates nearly everything. I complain, whine and make a lot of noise when I don't like the way things are going. I skip, jump and sing out loud when I'm happy. But, I process my internal life-stress alone. Sometimes I don't even let Max in on it. I've learned over the years that no one wants to really know that stuff about me, so I don't share too much.

I know that I handle things well. I can deal with most everything. One of the major reasons for that is that I know life is cyclical and within a short period of time the stress will be gone and life will have moved on.

So, as I process and I think, as I plot and I plan for my life ... sometimes I forget to bring people into the loop until the plans are underway and things are beginning to move. By the time I get to a point of movement, I am ready to quickly make decisions and changes.

Breathe easy ... I'm not making any big changes today. But, don't be surprised when they come. I won't be!

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