Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thank you

Today is a day to give thanks. I'm glad that we have set this day aside to spend with friends and family and share memories, love and thanksgiving - as well as incredible amounts of food. I would like for my life to look like this every day.

What would it look like if I could fill every moment with gratitude?

My family would know how important they are to me. There would never be a question as to the amount of love that I have for them.

My friends would know how they have impacted my life for the better. I would express how they have introduced new aspects of the world to me and opened my eyes to so many things.

The world would know how important my faith is and how much I rely on God. I would speak my gratitude over and over.

I would be content in every moment, no matter how stressful, because I would know that all things come from the God who created me.

Today I am grateful for all that I have been given, for the people that have come in and out of my life and for the love of a God who sent His Son to die for me.

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