Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fun with Family

Have I told you often enough that I love my family? Well, I do. My brother, Jim, was in town for a Microsoft meeting (he uses their production level products). I picked Matthew up from college and we all got together for dinner at TGIFridays. I can't believe how fortunate we were. They tucked us back away from everything at a table, and we were able to laugh and enjoy our time together. Carol showed up after work, Max was there ... it was time for the riot to begin.

It didn't take long. Jim took offense at Carol's implication that he never planned anything. Well, not really offense, but enough to set her up for some incredible teasing. At some point during the evening, each of the 5 people at the table had completely taken it on the chin. We didn't even spare the youngling.

As I drove Matthew back to his dorm, he made a comment about his dad being more relaxed. Ummm ... yup! That happens when you don't have to be the 'dad.' Matthew is finally getting to the age where Jim can relax and not have to parent him all the time.

I've watched several of my friends transform when their kids enter college. The weight of responsibility has been lifted and they start enjoying things again, they remember the earlier, carefree self. It's fun.

Tomorrow is my other nephew, Jacob's, birthday. He'll be 15. His mom invited Carol and me to be present for one of her ultrasounds with him. That just doesn't seem like such a long time ago. In fact, it wasn't! My kids just keep growing up.

I love my family.

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