Saturday, October 11, 2008

Watched some movies today

While Max was watching football, I popped a few movies in and watched them.

"The Bucket List." Just finished it. I'm still thinking about it. I've been putting a lot of thought into the reality of getting old. not so much on dying, but that's right up there. Do I have a bucket list? No. I've never done that. I guess I'm too pragmatic. If there is something I really want to do, I'll find a way to do it. If it's not possible, then, I guess I don't need to be attempting it.

The trip to the Grand Canyon takes care of something I've wanted to do for a very long time. The other sight I want to see someday is the Northern Lights (wow ... that's a sentence that needs some help). I'll get there. And I really am looking forward to that.

"Freedom Writers." A true story. Just about the time that I believe we are in a basket that is headed straight for hell, I see a story like this and am encouraged. I'm angered by the fact that more people see things as Margaret Campbell does rather than as Erin Gruwell. Wars happen on our streets and throughout the world. Will this change anything? Not on a global scale. Maybe not even on the scale of a small city like Omaha ... but, teachers that reach into the hearts of their students are pretty incredible..

I began my movie watching today with "Cloverfield." Interesting movie. Interesting concept. I liked it. I can't believe I did. My expectations were pretty low for this movie. I was startled when the head of the Statue of Liberty rolled onto the street. I giggled with the sound of the 'monster.' Are you kidding me? That's the sound you chose to represent that hideous thing? But, it was entertaining.

So ... now it's 7:30 pm. Max is off at a friends house doing something. Darkness has fallen across the city and it's actually pretty quiet out there. I spent a lot of the day converting books so that I can read them on my Kindle. (because I can't just watch a movie - I have to be doing something else at the same time.) I got the placemarkers for the trip onto the GPS. Hmmm ... now what?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I vote that you spend more time editing...